greg.l.deon [at]


I'm currently a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. I'm supervised by Kevin Leyton-Brown and James R. Wright (University of Alberta). My research interests span machine learning, statistics, cognitive science, and economics, but my primary focus is in behavioural game theory, where I combine ideas from each of these fields to understand and model how people act in strategic situations.
Previously, I earned a Master's in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, where I was co-supervised by Edith Law and Kate Larson. My research focused on describing fair reward divisions with cooperative game theory and applying them to practical crowdsourcing systems. Before Waterloo, I earned a B.Eng. in Computer Engineering from Dalhousie University. During my co-op positions, I developed open-source tools for side channel analysis and built test equipment for researching Li-ion batteries.
My pronouns are he/him.


Conference Papers

Understanding Iterative Combinatorial Auction Designs via Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Greg d'Eon, Neil Newman, Kevin Leyton-Brown
EC 2024
ArXiv Code Slides
How to Evaluate Behavioral Models
Greg d'Eon, Sophie Greenwood, Kevin Leyton-Brown, James R. Wright
AAAI 2024
🏅 Oral Presentation (2% of submissions)
Better Peer Grading through Bayesian Inference
Hedayat Zarkoob, Greg d'Eon, Lena Podina, Kevin Leyton-Brown
AAAI 2023
ArXiv Code AAAI
The Spotlight: A General Method for Discovering Systematic Errors in Deep Learning Models
Greg d'Eon, Jason d'Eon, Kevin Leyton-Brown, James R. Wright
FAccT 2022
ArXiv Code ACM Talk
Testing Axioms Against Human Reward Divisions in Cooperative Games
Greg d'Eon, Kate Larson
AAMAS 2020
KeyMap: Improving Keyboard Shortcut Vocabulary Using Norman's Mapping
Blaine Lewis*, Greg d'Eon*, Andy Cockburn, Daniel Vogel
CHI 2020
PDF Code ACM Talk Blog
Improving Virtual Reality Ergonomics Through Reach-Bounded Non-Linear Input Amplification
Johann Wentzel, Greg d'Eon, Daniel Vogel
CHI 2020
🏅 Honorable Mention for Best Paper (top 5% of submissions)
PDF ACM Talk Blog
Paying Crowd Workers for Collaborative Work
Greg d'Eon, Joslin Goh, Kate Larson, Edith Law
CSCW 2019
PDF ACM Slides

Journal Articles

Power Analysis and Fault Attacks against Secure CAN: How Safe Are Your Keys?
Colin O'Flynn, Greg d'Eon
SAE International Journal of Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy, 2018
Studies of the Effect of Voltage on the Impedance and Cycling Performance of Li[Ni0.4 Mn0.4 Co0.2]O2/Graphite Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells
Kathlyne Nelson, Greg d'Eon, Asher Wright, Lin Ma, Jian Xia, Jeff Dahn
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2015

Peer Reviewed Workshop Papers

The Effects of Single-Player Coalitions on Reward Divisions in Cooperative Games
Greg d'Eon, Kate Larson, Edith Law
Games, Agents, and Incentives Workshop (AAMAS), 2019
PDF Slides

White Papers

I, For One, Welcome Our New Power Analysis Overlords: An Introduction to ChipWhisperer-Lint
Colin O'Flynn, Greg d'Eon
Black Hat USA, 2018

Master's Thesis

Applying Fair Reward Divisions to Collaborative Work
Greg d'Eon
University of Waterloo, 2019
PDF Link Slides